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How do I post pictures on the forum?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:20 am
by dirtyboy
How to Post a Picture

1.First decide if the picture is appropriate for this forum. If you are not sure, please check the Pictures announcement or the Board Policies

2. Find somewhere to host your picture. I host mine at Photobucketsince it's easy to sign up. Once you have an account at a picture hosting site (any site), then you need to upload your picture to their site.

3. Once the picture is on the site you need to "copy the url link". In this case my link is: ... rmdra1.jpg

4. Next I start the post on the forum and click the "Img" button, paste the picture link and then click the "Img" button again. It should look like this:

Code: Select all

Note: The link must end in .jpg or .gif.

Here is what it looks like without the code box: