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IMBA single track trail building course

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:32 am
by rogue
I spent last weekend on a great trail building course aimed solely at single track users. It was presented by IMBA Canada and it was truly fantastic. We spent the first third of the morning in the class room addressing land management, soil types, grad reversals, maximum sustainable trail grad, and things like out slope. The rest of the course was completely hands on, and by that I mean here is your shovel, pick, Pulaski, and McLeod. I was sorely mistaken when I thought we would only be looking and discussing trail conditions in the field. But when all was said and done it was truly more valuable than just discussing problems trail side.
I believe there will be another course in the fall and would recommend it to all who are interested in the technical side of trail building/ trail maintenance. I will be keeping in contact with Mark Schmidt of IMBA Canada and will try to post the next course with open seats.
Thanks to Peter Straub of the Ghost Stewardship and Roger Meyer of SRD for posting this opportunity.
As single track users we are faces with the unique challenge of having to depend on local materials of our surroundings to solve trail issues. Do to the remoteness access of our trails we can't just put our building supplies in the boot and take them trail side so to speak. Its nice to know we can depend on a hard working and dedicated group of users, keep up the great work. If you are interested this course please PM me as their maybe a chance of getting a course together for members of the Motorized community.

Cheers, :cheers:
