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Warning to users - May long weekend

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:16 pm
by Amanda
I think I have written this out 5 times now trying to figure out how to best convey my thoughts regarding the blatant disrespect of trail repairs. I suppose there is no easy way to say this, but I am beyond disappointment.

Although I am aware of the ‘community’ as a whole, being upset and disappointed in having riding areas restricted, I can bet 100%, that you do not feel as disappointed as I or the members of the CJA that took time off during the week to install some much needed fencing, only to see it torn right down on Fisher West trail in McLean Creek.

Although I will try my best not to come across as abrasive or rude, I find it absolutely impossible to believe that users would not only tear down a section of bright blue fence that can not be missed, but that multiple users would then continue to PLAY in the water course and by-pass the obvious fencing that still remained…. Especially after GAMP.

What challenge exactly does water provide that it must be torn down?
Do people not see that fencing is NOT a means to prevent you from enjoying your activities; it is a means to keeping your activities alive!

Is it that people are not familiar with the area enough to know that there has been another trail provided to you to by-pass the water crossing?

Did I not post this information up in enough forums?

Did I personally not make it clear what has been going on as far as fencing projects?

Or are people still not listening…

I am not looking for an answer, nor is there room for discussion as no excuse justifies this sort of action.

The fence was put there for a reason, and there is an alternate route!

I have had a discussion with SRD today, provisions are being made to enforce those that wish to 'test' or 'disobey' the fencing or the signage posted at these project sites.
Im not sure if all of you have heard about the fines that have been given out in other areas in AB, but they got as high as $700 and can be maxed out to $5000 as per recent regulations.

SRD has requested volunteers go out and monitor the areas, and write down plate numbers, make and models of vehicles, including quads and bikes, take pictures and report that info back to SRD this May long weekend. Be warned they will also be policing the area, and your fine will not be the measly $58 some think it will be

You can bet I am taking time off from moving into my new home, and from enjoying my weekend to watch and protect my work..

I am looking to round up volunteers to help me with this through-out the weekend. So please contact me if you are available to help out.

Take this as you will, if you want to take a stand, stand up in your own community....set the bar!

NOTE: Planning for the burm at the Fisher West trail head to be reinstalled is being discussed, new fencing and signage will all be installed tomorrow. You have your warning, So I would suggest you do NOT cross any fencing lines, I would hate to pay those kidna fines.... I would also suggest leaving cars and mini vans at home as they will not get over the burm.


Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:53 pm
by crazy2wheeler
Amanda, I think I can speak on behalf of RMDRA's members to say that your efforts are HUGELY appreciated. I sooooo empathize with your disappointment and (to say the least) frustration with some OHV'rs that apparently lack all common sense, and any forethought as to the likely long term consequences of their actions.

I just wanted you to know that I/we appreciate and support your work, and I would like to thank-you in adavance for being committed enough to help monitor these areas, perhaps helping to eliminate some of the "negative" impacts (behaviors and idiot users) from our public access trail systems.


Abuse of areas...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:41 pm
by BradC
Many of us now carry digital cameras on our rides to get shots of fun, etc.

I have even recently upgraded to a 2gb memory card so I can get lots of video.

You can rest assured that I will be the first one in line getting CRYSTAL CLEAR VIDEO of $#&!* heads causing damage and ripping up land.

I hope to be riding a lot this summer, so the SRD will be receiving a lot of CD's from me. If any of you would like to remain anonymous and pass the videos on to me at the end of each weekend I will be happy to add them to the CD. Just be sure to get very clear license plate numbers. Also, the SRD office is only 2 minutes from my house, so it's a quick trip first thing Monday morning.


Brad C.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:52 am
by Hammer
I empathise with you and the frustration of having days of organization and work destroyed.

My son and I were riding that area last Saturday and the Blue plastic fences were down. I was disappointed but not surprised. I can tell you for sure that the plastic fencing I've seen, both off-highway and on ski hills just becomes another challenging obstacle for the "non-thinking" population of riders out there. They'll try and jump it, plow through it or rip it down every time. Even with signs out there I think the fence will fall prey to the same result.

So what is the answer guys? Wood, rock piles, steel piles and Q-deck. Fines? That won't help 80% of the time. Volunteers watching over the speed patrol at Louise where at least they can take your lift ticket.

Extreme fencing has to be obvious and safe. I had a real scare out in Wiaporus last year when riding with some buddies and saw large rolls of barbed wire standing against trees near our trail, right around the time of GAMP talks pre-trail closing. This is really dangerous stuff to have around riders and snowmobilers.

Maybe SRDRA will invest in some stone piles and great signage explaining the eco reasoning behind the diversion.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:29 am
by DonMcKay
I am sad to hear that your efforts have been for not. I guess that some fines are in order to make these guys realize what damage they are doing. And what Time and effort people like you and us are doing to try and keep these areas open for all to enjoy.
We do appreciate your efforts to help maintain these trails and stream crossings. So keep up the good work and don't let a few idiots spoil it for the rest of us.


Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:47 pm
by PeterM
That's just sick.

I am confused why SRD does not do this work themselves, or outsource, and police it.

Are they just a back office admin that actually does no field work to for sustainable resources development?

Your work is greatly appreciated.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:22 pm
by Amanda
Its late, and I just wanted to touch base so its going to be short..

Fence is back up, and will be checked on, again tomorrow and put back up if need be.
BURM at the trail entrance will be going up tomorrow AM, not passable to cars, campers etc.
Logging road has been 'fixed' as best as it can be at this time to bypass the fenced portion of trail
Signage is just about everywhere that it can be to direct traffic and explain why.

Fenced portion at the main staging area is 100% OK!!

SRD is going to be out there along with me and those joining me. I will stay as long as I personally can in this area, just to chat with anyone who wants to know whats going on.

I will be there Saturday and Sunday. Others will be joining as well.

Today and yesterday, we were failry well recieved when trying to do repairs, so I dont think there will be many issues with us. The issue will be with the tickets handed out, Id take a picture of that!!

Have a good day everyone, I will let you know if anything changes.


Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:47 am
by Brent
ya, i think a lot of the maintenance and policing is almost in our own hands (all OHV users). There are not many staff of SRD to police all of the areas, so they do not have the man power to maintain and police like they used to back in the 80's-90's. I think the SRD is watching how we look after our own land. Look at last year, all of the volunteers from the different clubs that got together and cleaned up after last years may long. SRD just handed out the garbage bags and we had to go fill them. If that wouldn't happen, i would imagine they would close these places down. Has anyone heard from other clubs when the big cleanup is going to be? we are all heading out this weekend to clean up blowdown that happened last november, now adding this to the list is getting overwhelming. Apparently, a lot of junk, trailers and all sorts were left out there because of the big snowfall that happened Sunday night and then this week, so it's going to be a big mess out there.
Last year, the main organisers for the long wekend cleanup were from the truck clubs. i think they organised all of this on the forums....i can't remember. all volunteered and well organised. Thanks again to them for that.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:07 pm
by Spinalguy
Hey Brent,
words well spoken.

There are organized clean ups this weekend at Indian Graves, Maclean Creek and Waiporous.

Saturday is the target date but it may have to include Sunday and the following weekend if its as bad as it appears.

They are being organized through various 4x4 clubs as well as 4x4/OHV sites.
Calgary Quad squad is also a primary helper.
i have heard nothing from AOHVA regarding any involvement on their members behalf.
RMDRA as we know will be clearing trails, also an essential service to prevent trail feathering.

Its time for us all to help eachother as Minister Morton has lumped all OHV users as 'abusers'.

TK :cheers:

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:23 am
by Spinalguy
My apologies to Dylan and Second gear as they are the primary thrust of the trail clearing efforts this and next weekend.