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New Trail Diversion Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:49 pm
by Amanda
New Trail Access

Fencing has been installed along Fisher Trail West in McLean, to redirect users onto a new portion of trail.

You will be greated by snow fencing just before the stream crossing, and will be met by a direction sign heading right onto a new road that by passes the two culverts that were torn out by the floods of 2005.

Please do not tear down this fence or pass it as the area will be reclaimed.

Details: A new portion of trail has been provided by SRD and Spray Lakes for the purpose of redirecting traffic to prevent crossing the fish bearing stream.

A very large and extensive reclamation project is planned for this area in the next few months and will be completed with Spray Lakes, Parks and YOU, the users!

Random camping is still available on the other side of the water crossing, but accessable ONLY via the new trail!

Thank you for your time,