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Large open field south of 5k stage?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:12 am
by Pipster
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if that large open area on the east side of the gravel road just south of the 5k staging area is illegal to use? My son has a little KTM 50 electric bike and that looks like a safe spot for him to putt around in while I kick back in a lawn chair.

The reason I ask is that I do see truck, quad tracks up on the hill there but I had a run-in with FWO last week. Every other officer I've dealt with in the past has been a complete beauty. They have a great group of people working out there, except this one young English fellow. He was a complete jerk from the first thing he said to me. He told me that the area I was staged at (not the area I am inquiring about here) was illegal because: "Do you see any gravel or cleared parking lot that would lead you to believe you could park here??" (Fair enough, I really didn't know) Then I pointed out that the common staging areas at Fisher West and Fisher East didn't follow his logic either. He told me those were also illegal? In any case, I know for a fact he didn't give the 30 guys at 5k warnings and was singling me out because I was the only one around.

Point being, I want to take my son to that large open field to ride his new bike but I don't want to have to deal with that Officer again.

Re: Large open field south of 5k stage?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 6:58 am
by Braap791
I know which officer you are speaking about. He appears to dislike dirtbikes and ohv use which is funny since he works in an ohv friendly area. If you have another negative encounter with him i would request his name and badge number and file a formal complaint.

That being said if you are riding in the field past the 2 no motorized vehicle signs posted close to the "regular wednesday night " parking area thats definitely off limits to riding.

Re: Large open field south of 5k stage?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:03 pm
by Pipster
Thanks Braap. I've never actually been in that area but this weekend I did see there's signage up saying no motorized vehicles allowed. Fair enough, I'm just glad there are signs there. I'm more than happy to comply with all the regs. The area I was parked at before had no such signage and I see people harvesting firewood in there all the time. My mistake but it was just a mistake. I have the guy's name on my 'written warning' but I am waiting to give him another chance to act like a normal person before considering filing a complaint.

What's the deal with the Fisher West and East staging areas being illegal? I've been checked for registration at both spots (on the grass) and the CO never said a word? Consistency would help alot.