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KEEP RECREATION TRAILS OPEN - Open Letter to Albertans

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:26 am
by kjo417
As some of you may have seen in today's Calgary Herald, Edmonton Sun, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Journal and the Lethbridge Herald the AOHVA has written an open letter to Albertans.

Support your local clubs, participate in events, write letters to the Minister, Premiere and even your local MLA's - please see the letter writing tips posted on the forum.

Letter Below:

An open letter to Albertans

In every jurisdiction where OHV activities occur, it is groups like the Alberta Off-highway Vehicle Association (AOHVA) who lead the way to promote safe, responsible and respectable vehicle use. AOHVA is as concerned as anyone about improper OHV use when it comes to the environment and peoples’ safety.

Most riders consider it a privilege – not a right - to be able to ride their OHVs and enjoy Alberta’s outdoors and natural landscape. It’s a privilege for ALL users: hikers, cyclists, skiers, snowmobilers, campers and OHV riders to access and enjoy our province’s wide open spaces.

Outdoor pursuits, including OHV riding are considered a way of life for many Albertans. Families, people of all ages from multiple generations, actively enjoy Alberta’s public lands through the opportunities that OHV riding presents. This is one of the few outdoor activities that can engage an entire family, spanning multiple generations, in the great outdoors at the same time.
We believe that parks in Alberta should be for all Albertans to enjoy and, as such, they should be inclusive rather than exclusive.

The AOHVA and responsible OHV users support the creation of multi-use parks and we propose that the government rethink the blanket ban on OHV use in The Castle. We support a solution that strikes a balance between environmental stewardship and recreation opportunities. AOHVA has worked diligently and in collaboration with the government for the past 7 years to establish a dedicated and focused organization to ensure the appropriate development, enhancement and maintenance of user-funded, designated trails for all off-highway recreation enthusiasts in Alberta.

AOHVA’s recommendations incorporate key learnings from across North America, where various jurisdictions have implemented innovative approaches to creating, managing and sustaining shared trail networks. We and our member organizations follow internationally recognized trail building best practices to mitigate environmental impact, protect animal habitat and ensure places to ride are safe.

As the representative body for over 165,000 off-highway vehicle users in Alberta, we are in the best position to help Alberta’s government bring about positive change but is our government ready to work with us rather than fight with us?

The AOHVA has always been ready to do our part. Is our government?


Brent Hodgson, President
Alberta Off-highway Vehicle Association (AOHVA)

If you value Alberta’s wide open spaces and your opportunity to enjoy them, now is the time to Be Informed, Get Engaged and Take Action.

Visit and connect with us on Facebook. I encourage you to write to the Premier, the Minister and sign the petitions.

Let’s Share Alberta responsibly and respectfully – and keep recreational trails open to all Albertans.