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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:30 pm
by SlowPoke
Tom, I totally agree with your last post. The whole ohv community, regardless of what your passion is, has gotten the short end of the stick with GAMP. It is time for all groups to work together to create a better GAMP. One that will better meet the needs of the OHV community, yet still take into consideration the environmental concerns of the other user groups. I think that we should push for modifications to the existing GAMP plan as opposed to total abolition of it. The only way to make our voice heard is to unite.

Dirttv: I know you are frustrated (and only kidding about blocking deerfoot) but I think that any protest or rally should be used to draw positive attention to our cause, not inconvenience the general public thus creating negative opinions. We have a long uphill battle. We need all the allies we can muster.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:33 pm
by Spinalguy
Doug, i am with you. We were initially organizing a rally in Fish Creek Park. We wanted all OHV groups in attendance with booths set up to get people to join the particular group they have interest in. It would be a 'feel good' rally with media invited to show our "take" on GAMP. Make it a FAMILY gathering to show Rick Blackwood and SRD that they are affecting generations to come by closing areas without stakeholder representation being listened to. We have postponed this to see where we stand legally as the OHVA has 1/4 million dollars for legal fees that manufacturers have given them.(as you already know) Seeing that the 4x4 community was left out in the cold because lets face it, trucks are the red headed step child of OHV user groups, i took it upon myself to lead the legal battle on behalf of 4x4's. i have a meeting next week with a very well connected and influential lawyer that will let me know if we have a legal chance at reversing this and stopping future "GAMP's". Due to this protests and rally's are on hold until we have some clarity over the legal side of battling.

Each day that i don't see the supposed 300kms of singletrack that we were suppossed to get back makes me think that even the CONNECTED guys of the AOHVA and RMDRA got nothing but lip service and it is time to pick the battle and hold it in a public venue.


Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:13 pm
by Brent
Doug, you make me laugh!!! This whole GAMP thing is just frustrating. It doesn't matter what type of mood i'm in, i just get angry with it. Spinalguy, you have spent alot of time fighting this legal battle and so many others have too. From my understanding, it is very frustrating for the actual volunteer club guys because the common user and avid user are upset, want change, come up with ideas and then expect the 4-5 volunteers guys to do it all on after hours. But lets not let this break us a part. We are ALL in this together and should back each other up, we just need to come up with a plan.
We are all busy; family, jobs, yard work, hopefully some time to get a quick ride in. Some people make the big effort to save the lands and to them, I am greatful. Most of us try to help out, but feel that it is just like banging our heads against a wall. But this is a huge job. Why would anyone think they could take this on. This requires a trained professional. Somebody who understands law and the courts. Now, this person or persons still needs info, breefing/clarification in order to fight this, which will be our part in the volunteer process. But this is a full time job, probably 2 full time jobs. Where is this money going to come from? Who's going to pay and who should pay are two different realities. In my opinion, the industry people, anyone selling dirtbikes, quads, offroad truck accessories, snowmobiles and dune buggies, should be looking after this. THEY should be fighting for the lands, paying a lawyer and then hiring people to maintain the riding areas once they've opened them up. If my job is to build houses, I better make sure I have some lots available a year or two before I can even think, about building on them...thats my job, or I go broke!!! We all have to plan for the future of our work!! This is part of their job, not mine. I am full of ideas, but it is not my job to sacrifice all of my previous responsibilities to fight somebody elses battle!
I guess the least I can do is become a member of a club that can recognize me, write a letter to our MLA and use the land responsibly, but don't expect me to fight for the lands.
For starters, why don't our local shops (Blackfoot, Walt, Bow, Cycle Works, Pro Am, GW and Seitzco) start banning together and fighting for our riding areas. Maybe thats too much work, they will just buy land and build tracks. So paying $15 to ride a moto track is my future? I hope not.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 9:45 pm
by Dragon997
If land issues were left to the local motorcycle dealers, we would be riding in our backyards.
Its unfair to ask a local dealer to jump into the middle of the fight.
But most dealers have supported the AOHVA and RMDR since the start of the club.
Lets be clear, the dealers have considerable capital and are supporting our fight through the MMIC. Every motorcycle that is sold through a dealer a portion goes to the MMIC.
The MMIC have alloted a substantial amount of money to the AOHVA. It should be enough money to support a full time lobbyist for a number of years.
Read the Trail Rider column in the Aug 2006 edition of Inside Motorcycles.
Across the continent motorcycle clubs and associations are fighting for our land use, not the dealers. Motorcycle clubs are organized and efficient when it comes to land use issues. We need numbers in our MC clubs at a grass roots level.
I think its irresponsible to to say, leave it to the stake holder businesses.
Your a user, I am a user. WE need too take action. As a group we need to find out what went wrong and how can we regain some single track.
What if everyone said F#$% IT!
Land uses issues arn't engaging. Most members would rather talk about sag settings and jetting. Look at the number of posts and reply on this forum compared to the rest.
I hope the flavor of your letter isnt indicative of the majority of the RMDR.
If it is we are all in trouble.
Johnathan Langley 403-606-0505


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:12 pm

I am glad I make you laugh but it seems this is not the first time we disagree. With the list of shops you mention, only one is not family owned. I cant help that you and your family own a family buisness and do you donate 10's of thousands of dollars to keep your industry above water? Dont answer that just ask yourself. I dont think Walts or Sitzco or GW has the money to do that. If you think for one minute that Trudy at GW is making a killing there maybe you should pay a visit to her house in a sw humble community. I am not coming down on you, Just trying to figure out how you are coming up with some of your ideas. I heard an excellant idea yesterday at a Land Advocacy meeting and it was as follows:

All manufacturers that sell units in the country of canada should charge an extra 100$ on the price to the dealer per unit. That inturn gets passed on to the consumer. (you and me). I would gladly pay 100 bucks every time I bought a new bike if I was guarenteed my riding area was kept open. Would you? This idea for some reason got shot down and I dont know why?

On a side note, I had posted a thread on this forum stating I was boycotting CANADIAN TIRE. I then wrote a letter informing them they were selling non mmic ohv's to the public. They wrote me back and said they were reviewing my request for a financial contibution to our cause. Can you believe this.... I didnt even ask them for money, I just simply stated they are selling units that dont fund our cause. They said they would get back to me in 4-6 weeks so in the meantime I stay out of their store and wait for some money to give to the AOHVA. All I am saying is if everyone of us took a small stand against some of these companies maybe they might start to listen. Until then I guess I buy my brake clean at WAL-MART. I hope to see at the races this coming week in the Pass, I am sure you will have a good time and congratulations on the wedding!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:37 pm
by Brent
I've got nothing against our shops. They sponsor and help us out in many ways, Seitzco is helping me out with my race efforts and I am very grateful and trying to return the effort in any way to them as well. I am just brainstorming which is what these forums are great for. We are in the middle of so many new changes with RMDRA and all the new land issues it's hard to have a system down just yet, but this is what we need. My only question was, who's footing the bill? So if MMIC has donated all of that money (discussed this at our last meeting) to AOHVA, that is a great place to start and if that system works, then great. I wasn't aware of that donation from every OHV sold.
There are some exciting stories in thumpertalk about the Blue Ribbon coalition, down in the states battling land issues and actually reversing land closures. I will search for some and's nice to hear that once in a while.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:07 pm
by Brent
found on Thumpertalk..

Check over on the D37 off road board - news that the Clear Creek Closure suit was dismissed. This suit was brought by, you guessed it, the Center for Biological Diversity etc. The Summer closure remains in effect, but this suit would have closed the area to all vehicular traffic.

We have to thank, among others, the Salinas Valley Ramblers. I gather they took this one on.

Lets keep this trend going!

and another....

Contact: Brian Hawthorne, BRC Public Lands Director
Phone: 208-237-1008 (x102)
Fax: 208-237-9424

Date: August 17, 2006

POCATELLO, ID (August 17, 2006) -- The BlueRibbon Coalition, a national trails-based recreational advocacy group, applauded yesterday's Utah District Court dismissal of a decade old lawsuit challenging rights of ways across public lands.

A federal judge in Salt Lake City on Wednesday dismissed the 1996 suit filed against the Bureau of Land Management by a coalition of anti-access groups, including the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and the Sierra Club. Judge Bruce Jenkins granted a motion offered by Utah counties to dismiss the case, citing a ruling handed down by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals last fall.

"This is a huge victory for millions of Americans who value access to public lands," said BlueRibbon's Public Lands Director, Brian Hawthorne. "I think this decision throws a bucket of cold water on efforts by green groups to impose their closure agenda on local governments and the public", Hawthorne concluded.

The litigation began in 1996 when road crews employed by Utah's San Juan, Kane, and Garfield Counties graded sixteen roads located in southern Utah. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) and other anti-access groups filed suit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) , San Juan County, Kane and Garfield Counties, alleging that the Counties had engaged in unlawful road construction activities and that the BLM had violated the law by not taking more aggressive action against the road maintenance. The BLM subsequently filed cross-claims against the Counties, alleging that their road construction activities constituted trespass and degradation of federal property. The Counties claim the road maintenance activities were lawful because the activities took place within valid "R.S. 2477" rights of way. The district court ruled that federal law, as interpreted by BLM, dictated critical legal definitions in the case relating to the establishment, scope and maintenance of the "highways."

A three-judge panel of the 10th Circuit reversed, finding that state law properly guides interpretation of the existence and scope of any 2477 roads. At the time of the 10th Circuit decision, Paul Turcke, legal counsel for BlueRibbon observed "it will take time to evaluate the impact of this important decision, but it appears that the Circuit Court has reversed the district court's deviation from the previously-established precedent and reminded the parties to focus on state law concepts in evaluating the counties' actions," After yesterday's ruling, Turcke noted "this outcome was predictable given the Circuit's guidance, and will hopefully signal future certainty and a hope for cooperation between counties, the federal government and affected members of the public where 2477 rights of way are concerned."

# # #

The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:24 pm
by buggo
Man! I admire you guy's passion for our sport and this problem.
I am brand new to this province, and new nothing of this situation until this forum.
But I have noticed that most places I rode in BC (with the exception of Kook) actually encourage ohv recreation??
And BC has a MUCH stronger "green" force than Alberta.
Is this due to the fact they need tourism dollars more so than Alberta, oil rich??

We need to remember that this situation did not happen over night, we just did not see it coming till it was too late. Does that mean we are somewhat passing our days with our heads in the sand :thinking:
Make no mistake, there has not been a wrong statement in all that you guys are saying, just different methods of delivery.
We will not save our sport or lands over night, we need to take smart steps, not big steps.
We need help. Lawyers, bussiness's, clubs and individuals.
We can move mountains as a team, but we need to be at the base of the same mountain.
Maybe we need an elected action team to represent our "sports". All of them.

Just my thoughts.
The biggest problem is UNIFICATION of ALL OHV users. There is power in numbers but our own politics is our own undoing.
We have 2 race bike clubs that do not want to co-operate with eachother.
We have 10+ offroad clubs for 4x4's that want to co-operate with everyone.
We have a few quad clubs that will co-operate with one bike club but not the other or visa versa.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:02 pm
by Dragon997
We need numbers and a unified voice for all ohv users. Bike,quad and 4x4, everyone. We need people talking about this issue. We need people coming top meetings. We need ideas.
I am not pointing fingers at anyone but we got F$^&ed and nobody can say why! I would like some answers and information from the people who have been working on this issue. I also would like them to tell us where our next step is. It seems the months are clicking by and we are stalled. Everyday that passes , I feel the chance for us to get some riding area back grows more remote.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:07 pm
by crazy2wheeler
Do we have another multi club meeting scheduled - or at least being organized??

I know last time (Thumper) Darryl put this together. I'm not sure if he has the time available to lead this effort as well.

But it sounds as though IT IS TIME to put together another multi-club meeting. Just bikes and quads? Or all OHV's (incl 4x4's)? I think members of industry should also be encouraged to attend. If it were a BROAD meeting for all persons concerned with the removal of our access we would have a much larger turnout. I'm sure Spinalguy would look after organizing, and helping to integrate the truck and jeep guys...

Once again, I am willing to arrange (and personally pay for) a suitable facility for these meetings.



Derek Radomski, CA

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:11 pm
by crazy2wheeler
Just to be clear, I am referring to a meeting of the executive members and other KEY members of all affected organizations - not ALL members of every organization! (Hopefully we'll need the Jubilee for that, and we'll need it before the end of 2007).


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:32 pm
by buggo
I agree with all the comments.
Johnathon and Dereks.
You are right Derek. Our elected members make incredible efforts for our sport, (Thumper Darryl, Dennis, Dean and others deserve RMDR Knighthoods!) They are already giving up so much, But it does need to be these folks to take the message forward or we come across divided, again.
They just need a unified group behind them.
I know the business's contribute to this fight in different ways, but do we think The City of Calgary or surrounding communities would like to see tax paying outfits such as the largest dealer in Canada (Blackfoots) pull up stump because of a downturn in business that restricted access will eventually bring? Hotels, gas stations, supermarkets, they all suffer if nobody spends money on play time.
Do these business's contribute to our cause with leatters of support for our clubs? (purely a question, due to my ignorance!)
And do we include clubs such as the KMA, Over the Bars, Drum, Red Deer and other neighbouring clubs in our fight?? They too loose if we suffer. A letter stating they come to our area to compete etc ??
We have a great club, more than one in the area, and a great bunch of guys. Surely we can come together for this monumental task!
Yes we got screwed! But now it's time to pull on our "steel undies" and be prepared for round two!

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:20 pm
by Dragon997
This is what I am talking about, Getting people interested in this issue. It means everything!!!!!
Derek, Yes there is another all club executive meeting on Wed at Bob Bolton/Quad squad.
Darryl has the details.
I will be there, and again I will ask for a detailed response of what is happening.
We really apreciated your efforts for the room, last dealer meeting.
I would suggest after this all club meeting, we either have a meeting to inform the dealer of the results or we have another meeting including the dealers.