Winter Shovelling Tips

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Winter Shovelling Tips

Post by Spinalguy »


The accumulation of snow and ice this winter is taking a toll on our health. Members of the College of Chiropractors of Alberta, your spinal care specialists, warn that slips, falls, strained and sore muscles could be on the rise this winter as the snow piles up and ice coats our drive and walk ways.

Every winter, Alberta chiropractors see an increase in back injuries due to improper lifting when shoveling snow. Improper shoveling technique can be anything from bending at the waist instead of at the knees, to throwing snow instead of pushing it. When you combine improper lifting with the weight of one shovelful of snow (three to five kilograms) the result can be a serious problem for both adults and children who help them.

Snow shoveling isn’t the only culprit when it comes to back pain in the winter season. Activities requiring exertion such as winter sports or pushing a stranded car can also lead to back injuries. Even though snow shoveling, slips and falls are the top reasons chiropractic patients have back and muscle pain in the winter, the public should be aware of all winter hazards when heading outdoors.

Chiropractors are experts in the area of spine, muscle and joint disorders. As education and preparedness are the keys to avoiding or correcting many health problems, the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors offers the following preventative tips:

1. Warm up. Before beginning any snow removal or strenuous winter activity, warm-up for five to ten minutes to get the joints moving and increase blood circulation. A good warm-up should include stretches for the back, shoulders, arms and legs. This will ensure that your body is ready for action.
2. Don’t let the snow pile up. Removing small amounts of snow on a frequent basis is less strenuous in the long run.
3. Pick the right shovel. Use a lightweight push-style shovel. If you use a metal shovel, spray it with Teflon first so snow won’t stick.
4. Push - don’t throw. Push the snow to one side and avoid throwing it as much as possible. If you have to throw, avoid twisting and turning – position yourself to throw straight at the snow pile.
5. Bend your knees. Use your knees, leg and arm muscles to do the pushing and lifting while keeping your back straight.
6. Watch the ice. Course sand, ice salt, ice melter, or even kitty litter can help to give your walk and drive ways more traction, reducing the chance of a slip or fall.
7. Wear proper footwear. Shoes and boots with solid treads on the soles can help to minimize the risk of slips and falls.
8. Take a break. If you feel tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Stop shoveling immediately if you feel chest or back pain.
Remember to “Lift right. Shovel Light.”
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