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Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:58 pm
by Braap791
We rode these tonight. Ran into 2 bikes with 1 quad just at the end of Past Prez :thumbsdown: . We were able to stop and talk to them and let them know that the quad is not supposed to be on the single track. We were told that there was no signage (there was a few weeks ago) and that he has been riding on it before with some convincing they did turn around and vacate. We need to organize a day to get this handled before we lose this trail as its getting way to easy to access it from that end.
About 20 minutes later we were on 70s trail and the same 2 bikes and 1 quad came up that hill across from outlaw which T's into 70s trail. The one guy was pretty mad about being caught again and was very angry that "this is single track too?" There was a no quad sign right there. Once again we need to get a crew out and spend an hour blocking that entrance as its to easy to become a poached trail.

IT would be nice to get some of the newer members involved as these are non time consuming blockages so it will not take up a whole day to do and we can get some riding in. Also at stallions where you can see the 5 K is littered with quad tracks all it will take are 2 up and overs and this problem will be solved.

The same crew of regular guys cannot always do all the work. We need help from the old members and new members to get some of these problem areas under control. Giving up trails to the quads is not an option unless we are getting new trail on the map and I would not hold your breath on that one at this point.

I will get off my soap box now

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 9:46 pm
by GWsXR250R
I'm always up for helping out!
Let me know if and when and what I can bring and I will be there :thumbsup:
I'm free most Friday's if a weekday works.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 5:14 am
by NoPlan
Katie and I have volunteered as well in the past. We are never against helping out. Our issue is we are not on the computer alot so miss a bunch. We can help most weekends and some weekday evenings as well.

Only issue for us is we are novice riders so we cannot get out to the super knarly places :(

And I need to get my front suspension fixed before I cam hope on my bike. However I am willing to help.

Pme with dates etc whenmy bike is fixed we will come.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:15 am
by Braap791
Thanks you guys. I will keep everybody updated and once I get a date planned in the near future I will let you guys know. I will also pm you noplan so your kept in the loop.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:27 am
by wheels13
I will help as well. Fridays work well for me as well.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:11 am
by erniebearskin
I'm also up for Fridays with a bit of heads up to jig my schedule. I also saw a group quaders out yesterday but these guys were getting off their quads every ten feet picking garbage all along the road from 5k onwards, we chatted for a while about random campers, shooters, shirtless side by side operators and organized clubs like the ATV Club and RMDRA trying to do the right thing. Problem users of the area affect all users of McLean, not sure the point of posting this tidbit, maybe just to make everyone aware that there are good and bad in both camps.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:39 am
by Braap791
Your absolutely right about that Bryan if we can work together with the jeep clubs and quad clubs we could seriously do some good in the area. It would definitely help to educate the non club members on the goings on out there.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 6:50 am
by Fenel854
i get off work at 1pm Friday if someone can organize a Friday afternoon work party.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:29 pm
by blackchrome
would be more than willing to help out, just need a few days notice will do what i can to get out of work.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:44 am
by Braap791
Thanks guys! I have something in the works right now I am just waiting on the material and we can get a few of these problem areas handled easily.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:57 am
by GWsXR250R
let me know if you need a hand with material. I have access to lots of scrap metal, piping channel, angle iron if we wanna get extreme.

got a truck and trailer to haul it to if need be!

keep me posted.


Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 11:37 am
by Dave P
Please keep me in the loop. I dont have a lot of free time in the old schedule but if it worked out I would def come help. Weekends are best for me.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 11:37 pm
by premix
I am new to the club and would like to help out. I have a bit of a random schedule but let me know when this is happening and I will check if I can get out and help.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 1:38 pm
by Dave8444
I can help in any way you need any time you need.

Re: Past Prez, stallions and That 70s Trail

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:39 am
by Braap791
Assuming the weather holds I would like to get some guys together and go block in the south end of Past Prez with a width control install if possible on Friday June 12 after 5:00. You will need a bike for this and I would like to pull together some volunteers to get this handled. If it works for you let me know!