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RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:03 am
by steve-o
With the race soon approaching I thought an official thread should be started. Here it is!

It's going to be a gooder! Lots of hard work by has gone into making an epic ride for all to enjoy the 'Dirty Moose' RMDRA 2010 cross country race. Come out and try your luck on the weekend of August 14th & 15th at Fallen Timber. Full CMRC event.

Post any questions and comments here. PS Volunteers are required so if you are able to help out in any way on Saturday, Sunday, or both please pm Brenan225 here on the board.

See you out there :thumbsup:

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:37 am
by rocky mountain racer
Are you guys going to post a poster on the ADRA web site? It is great to see another cross country. I haven't raced in the Fallen Timber area for a few years. Should be a blast. :applause:

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:59 pm
by Brenan225
poster should be up in the next day or two

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:09 pm
by dirtyboy
I figured I'd let you know a little about the race courses for this upcoming weekend.

The Adult loop will be 50km of all the old existing trails that was just cut and cleared. Most of these trails have been blocked since 2005. For some of you it will will be like memory lane, maybe even like a 2004 (or earlier) flashback for you. Or for the rest of you it will be all new to you trail that will be challenging and still kind of like 2004 for you.... Most Adult classes will do 2 laps of this loop.

The expert kids loop will be fairly easy single track in the trees about 12km long. If you did the McLean HS last year, the kids expert will easier and faster than that was but it will still have a few challenging bits in there.

There will also be a PeeWee course that will be safe for the little bike riders.

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:32 pm
by trailguy
Just a heads up, racers are going to be showing up at McLean for the race this weekend.My wife informed me some friends are heading to McLean early for a race this weekend.I said really, what are they racing, mountain bikes, quads, horses....then it hit me, they think the Grizzly [Dirty Moose] is at McLean.Got ahold of them & pointed them at Fallen Timber, but I'm sure they are not the only ones. :canada:

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:53 pm
by dirtyboy
Yep it's at Fallen Timber. Please spread the word, it's at Fallen Timber Campground.

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:47 pm
by steve-o
trailguy wrote:Just a heads up, racers are going to be showing up at McLean for the race this weekend.My wife informed me some friends are heading to McLean early for a race this weekend.I said really, what are they racing, mountain bikes, quads, horses....then it hit me, they think the Grizzly [Dirty Moose] is at McLean.Got ahold of them & pointed them at Fallen Timber, but I'm sure they are not the only ones. :canada:
up until about a a week and a bit ago the race schedule onthe ADRA said McLean. It now says fallen timber. Let's hope for great attendance and please spread the word everyone!

See you there!

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:28 pm
by thirtyseven
Hey gang, due to previous commitments I can't make it to the race, so I have to tell you that Dirtyboy has cobbled together a loop that has a whack of coolness. Like flat out in fifth? You got it! Like technical? You got it! Like fast and flowy? You got it! Like fast hills? You got it! Like switchback hills? You got it! Like panoramic views? You got it! Like looking through thick trees? You got it! Like options? You got it!

And coolest of all..... You'll be riding trails that have been off limits due to legislation and nature for 5+ years!!! That my good friends is a whack of coolness! Have fun and bring Dirtyboy a beer.

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:29 am
by twotired
This is going to be awesome, thanks Dirtyboy and everyone else who contributed too. :applause:
Sounds like you deserve a beer too 37, thanks. Have fun taking the snakepit on the road!

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:35 am
by Brent
much respect for the efforts to bring about another XC. :canada: :canada: they are more work then the usual HS, but much better.

I have family committments this week and next weekend so i will have to see if i can make it out.

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:10 am
by nijhuis11
I'm guessing the ladies A class will be doing one loop of the course?

And can someone give me an idea of the difficulty of this course compared to the McLean CC last year? (took me 4 hours to complete and half of the ladies didn't finish)


Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:29 am
by steve-o
nijhuis11 wrote:I'm guessing the ladies A class will be doing one loop of the course?

And can someone give me an idea of the difficulty of this course compared to the McLean CC last year? (took me 4 hours to complete and half of the ladies didn't finish)

Hi Leanne,

Show up, you'll have fun and I'm pretty sure it will be easier than last years for you. The ladies A may even be doing a completely different course depending on maybe some last minute changes in main course. If it's the same course as all it would only be one lap I'm sure. Dirtyboy on the site could have answered this better than I, but he is currently out at Fallen Timber finalizing all the details. It will be fun and challenging for all levels.


Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:26 pm
by golarge
I was working on the race loop with Dave today. He mentioned that Lady's A, and beginner would probably not race this loop. They would race the expert kids loop. Junior is a maybe, but nothing is for sure till race day. The only person who know's the whole loop, i think is dave and he ain't talking. The volunteer's only know bit's and pieces that they have worked on,and we aint talking. Don't want to spoil the surprise now do we. :eek:

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:54 am
by Hendrix13
So I was working on my bike last night and realized, I have no race numbers :crazy:

What is the requirement for 30B is it white letters with green background?

Also, does anyone know of a quick way to get these since I was planning on leaving tonight.

I might be looking at a quick fix with white and green tape :)

Re: RMDRA 'Dirty Moose' 2010 Cross Country at Fallen Timber

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:07 am
by MotorEd
Hendrix13 wrote: What is the requirement for 30B is it white letters with green background?

Also, does anyone know of a quick way to get these since I was planning on leaving tonight.
yep, white number, green tape likely your best bet, not sure too many bike shops have the green backgrounds (blank sheets) in stock. would crappy tire have some green mac tac type stuff? not sure?

good luck!