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Trolling the scammers...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:48 am
by Bruce
I'm having a bit of fun with the usual scammers on kijiji. I listed my Speed Triple last night and have had 18 scam emails and 2 real ones.
Here's what the scammers reply with:

"Any additional information and can it be picked up ASAP??"

So... I send them this:

"It has pink tassles I stole from a little girl's bicycle. The seat has brown stains from throttle application. Severe high speed wobble that kills almost everyone that rides it.
Comes with some used dentures I found in the mall parking lot. Your Mom loved riding it and me afterwards. She’s freaky deaky with or without the midget and wooden leg.
I'll even make you a canine fecal matter stirfry so you don’t get hungry riding it home.
I paid $600 for the capacitor that administers an occasional electrical shock through the handgrips that causes my nards to tingle. What else can I tell you about it?"

They obviously don't read it since they reply with:

"Thanks for the response Does it need anything to be replace or
repair?if theirs please specify,i will take it for the listed
price,Payment will be sent using PayPal and i will handle the PayPal
surcharge as well.I will arrange with someone to have this picked up
for your location once i have paid as i am out of town at the moment.
I would appreciate if you email me with more pictures (if available)
too,since i won't be be able to see this in person,what's the PayPal
email to send funds to in order for me to pay you ASAP."


I'm going to string them along a while longer. They'll have less time to annoy other people.

Re: Trolling the scammers...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:31 am
by giantjoe
Nice work, but robots have all the time in the world... :(

Re: Trolling the scammers...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:25 pm
by erniebearskin
I agree with Joe, I think those responses are automated. I had not one but two international Oceanographers working over seas wanting to buy my 390 'Berg with Paypal. .

Re: Trolling the scammers...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:04 pm
by Bruce
I think you're right! I thought there was some patetic greaseball sitting in some country 1/2 way around the world thinking he's gonna scam me. What a dissappointment!

Re: Trolling the scammers...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:16 pm
by DaveSimmons
I was going to buy it, but then you got personal about my Mum :crybaby:...........Ps, can I have my tassles back!