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Ontario rider needs a hand

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:59 am
by Brenan225
This was sent to me by Dan Paris of Off-Road Motorcycles

Hey Alberta guys,
Andrew Kramer, the Jr rider from Ontario who raced the CECs in BC and AB this year for, got set up with a job in Calgary (thanks Lee!) that starts in a couple weeks. I promised I would get him in contact with you. Andrew is currently looking for an apartment and place to stash his bikes, plus people to ride with. Andrew is a really decent guy, always ready to lend a hand for special projects, bike club work, etc. His email address is (905) 964-5273
This is an exciting opportunity for Andrew and all his Ontario friends are stoked for him!
Hopefully you guys can point him in the right direction!

Re: Ontario rider needs a hand

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:20 am
by thirtyseven
Nice guy, brennan225 tell Dan to cough up the bucks for an RMDRA membership and he'll have lots of riding buddies! :canada: