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Used survey equipment

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:39 am
by markvfr
Hi all,

Looking for some input on a source for used survey equipment. I have a friend in Bhutan who works for their Government Land Comission and is starting his private venture but being a third world country, he can't afford the latest and greatest surveying equipment. I told him that I will do my best to try to find any surplus sources or decomissioned equipment that would still work for them there. Would any of you have any leads on this kind of thing? He just emailed me and told me a few models of equipment that he would be interested in. They are: Total stations (Trimble) and GeoXH (Trimble GPS).

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


Re: Used survey equipment

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:13 pm
by axel99
Usually lots of used stuff on ebay. I have picked up some older Wild Heerbrugg equipment, still looking for a Wild T2 Theodolite. I know nothing about trimble total stations, didn't even know trimble was selling total station, must be another manufacture , just rebranded. Maybe I am just living under a rock. Total stations have internal horizontal\vertical compensator that is very sensitive, some more than others, so better pick a brand you can get serviced.

I have always been fascinated with the establishment of cadastral fabric in third world country's. It really is the first step to sustainable socio-economic change. We really take the luxury of a well established legal cadastre's for granted in north america.


I will keep my eyes open for any decent looking total stations and other required accessories (tripods, tribrachs, prisims.) in my hunt for a T2 in good shape.

Good luck to your friend in his venture! Tres cool!!!

Re: Used survey equipment

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:57 pm
by LID
Look for an old Nikon. I beat the sludge out of mine back in the day and the angles always stayed bang on.

Re: Used survey equipment

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:44 pm
by axel99
I would second the Nikon, we used one for construction layout and checking the contractors baselines at ALPAC pulp mill. The optics were decent, better than sokishia or topcon. The data collector was terrible on the old DTM series, this was back in the mid 90's. I am sure they are ok now.

Re: Used survey equipment

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:30 am
by markvfr
Thanks guys. I'll have a look at the Nikons as well and scour ePay for something I have no clue about. :)
