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Anyone want to try to organise this?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:55 pm
by Brass
I assume a few other members have received this email as well.

From Shane Watts;
G'day Everyone,

We hope everyone is out there enjoying this awesome Fall weather!
We have been getting heaps of enquiries and requests lately for our schools during 2016. In the next two or three weeks we will be announcing some of our confirmed 2016 schools. We still have 2 schools left in 2015! See below for the schools open for registration! 

Shane will be doing a private school for a group of riders in Mexico (at Piedras Negras, 2 hours south west of San Antonio, TX) on Nov 21/22.
If anyone else from anywhere in the world is keen to get a group together for a private class please send us a message and we will get you scheduled in because in the next few weeks we will be finalizing our school schedule for the first half of 2016. "

Anyone want to try to organise aclass or two here, possibly with the assistance of Clint Riviere since he allowed the use of his land the last few times Shane came out?

Depending on the dates, my wife and I would attend.

Re: Anyone want to try to organise this?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:10 pm
by alyssabruce
Tim and I are definitely be interested depending on the dates.