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May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:00 pm
by Cberg77
Here we go again...

Looks like our fight to land access will be getting harder and harder.... :thumbsdown: ... crown-land" onclick=";return false;

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:23 pm
by boland
:thumbsdown: brutal

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:53 pm
by erniebearskin
We are not so poop-hot in our backyard either. Was in Mclean yesterday morning with my sons and it looked like a total warzone. I brought a lage garbage bag incase I came across the odd beer can, and I had it filled to the point I could barely tie it by the time me & the kids hit the gravel pit (picking up used diapers in the rain...classy).

Its frustrating that as a responsible user of our local FLUZ, we often get lumped in with these stupid yahoo's. Not sure the solution, as the CO's obviously cant afford to police all of the crazyness happening during the one weekend, maybe they keep Mclean closed until after May long but I am sure that would simply result in the debauchery shifting elsewhere. I was pissed to the point yesterday I had visions of sitting off up on a hill with a big scope & bigger rifle......shooting at tires obviously.....

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:04 pm
by twotired
Random camping is on it's way out, justifiably. :mad:

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:51 pm
by Cberg77
twotired wrote:Random camping is on it's way out, justifiably. :mad:
Unfortunately true and what gets me the most is the biggest cause for this are these people that camp 1 weekend a year and they're idea of camping is to go out and get as drunk as they can and cause the most damage and leave all the garbage, empties and burnt couches behind. Too bad as responsible users we get linked in with this behaviour and all that is ever remembered are these idiots!

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:12 pm
by Braap791
Its definately getting worse and its 90% of the reason I am for a pay to play type system. The "free campers" might think its their right to act like morons and have the people who care about the areas pick up after them when they leave. Back when they had the big berms to keep people from getting back towards the gravel pit/widowmaker and drunk people had to attempt to walk in to camp it was less chaotic. They need to start locking the gate until after May long or putting back big rocks and car catching berms to limit the people and when they start moving them or going around them put more rocks!
I was down at Kook for the long weekend and definately noticed way more passenger cars and "muddin trucks" than usual.The road was pretty busy with straight line dirtbike racers and side by sides with no RCMP to be seen this year and just a couple rounds through the campground for the Conservation Officer it definately seemed understaffed. It definately seemed like they have given up on getting people not to camp on the "grasslands" because there were people everywhere.

Sorry about the rant. Its been building for a few days

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:32 am
by DoC
I remember years ago the Conservation Officer coming into our camp and talking to us about cleaning up. And he took all our lic plates down saying they would come back after the weekend and if anything left behind we would get tickets in the mail.

I would go around taking plates down if it helped.

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:25 am
by Spinalguy
What i find disgusting is that Slee, the elected director for Electoral Area B, was touring the area on Saturday seeing these things and did NOTHING!!!
Oh, i guess he got paper time though spreading false propaganda. Maybe he should have called in the law, kicked out the disrespectful campers, fine them lots and...
Naw, just do NOTHING and have another knee jerk reaction to shutting down random camping because of one long weekend a year with one very tiny group of punks not respecting the land.

Sounds right on par with how Alberta handles it.

Maybe we should ban red cars too? Lets all get behind a move to ban random camping but only if you never random camp. Heck, i hate red cars and will not drive one ever so i can get behind banning something i do not do.
Sounds GREAT!

Re: May long chaos

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:59 pm
by Spinalguy
Thankfully smarter politics is prevailing.
As a side note, i have noticed arriving in Kooc on a Thursday for any long weekend lately (including last summer) that you might get a paid camp spot but you also may not. People park vehicles, etc to save for those coming down friday.
IF random camping was outlawed, you would never get a spot arriving for long weekends on a friday.
Last weekend and Easter as well saw people doubling and tripling up to at least be in the paid spots. ... c-says-mla